A Simple METHOD to Manage your Cravings: Pause, Hold, Take a deep breath & Have a Glass of Water
Cravings usually don’t arise out of physical hunger but triggers. These can be cues (visual, olfactory, audible, mental), stress, perceptions (movies and popcorn) etc.
Whenever you find yourself craving something - take a moment, follow these steps:
It’s okay to have cravings, you can’t stop the thought of a craving, don’t resist the feeling, accept it, try and figure out what triggered it so that you can understand your behavioural patterns more.
Ask yourself what're you craving?
Is it specific (KITKAT) or non specific (certain flavour or texture)?
Once you’ve identified what the craving is, find the trigger. Ask yourself:
Where are you?
What are you doing?
What are you feeling physically?
What are you feeling emotionally?
What are you thinking?
Who are you with?
Are you actually hungry?
Now take a deep breath and think to yourself what next, what to do about this craving with? Break the pattern:
Give yourself time to get over the craving
Are you physically hungry? Hungry enough to have an apple/salad/dal chawal or just KITKAT
Choose another activity - talking a walk, repping out 5 pushups/burpees, calling a friend, running a quick errand.
Plan your indulgence, treat yourself in your next meal, portion it, take out the time for it, savour it. Eat when you want to eat and not because you crave it. Maybe give yourself a task you’ve been putting off and as a reward you get to eat this.
We’re often feeling hungry because we’re dehydrated. Just have a glass of water while you’re going through all this mental gymnastics. Chances are it helps you overcome your craving. Even if it doesn’t you’ve just had a glass of water so, WIN-WIN?