Redefine your definition of health

This is me at 11% body fat. That’s what the InBody body composition test said. If you google 11% Body fat, results are nowhere close.

Partly because genetically I store a lot more fat around my tummy. Majorly because they’re highly edited, oiled up images. There’s always been an unreal expectation around our bodies.

We need to normalise that having a low body fat, an ideal weight, or a certain body type is not necessarily healthy or more specifically, healthy for you.

Especially with the boom of social media - having a chiseled physique, low body fat or a flat stomach has become the norm.

I was this person for a long time, still am on most days - it’s harder for me to accept this fact as I’m “in the industry”. But mine is a discussion for another time.

Health is not just physical, but also emotional and mental.

You DONT necessarily need to chase any of those markers - very low body fat, abs, number on the scale. There’s no point if you’re waking up everyday with chronic pain, gut issues, high stress levels or a bad relationship with food.

Redefine your definition of health.

Focus on moving on most days, eating whole foods, timely in most meals, sleeping not just 7 hours but having a good quality sleep, understanding stress + how to manage it and just feeling great overall. Physically, emotionally and mentally.

Everything else is secondary.


Reflections: Looking back to move forward


Signs of progress other than your weight