Ali Fazal, Mirzapur & Shoulder Rehab

Ali Fazal, Actor

Here are some moves you can do next time you’re training upper body. Low impact high return moves, activating the right muscles and firing up the CNS to get the max out of your session.

These were our go to when @alifazal9 and I were training together for Mirzapur 2 back in 2019 as he was recovering from a shoulder injury.

Still one of my favourite experiences as a coach owing to the fact that the man was so humble, respectful and down to earth - would always show up for his 6AM sessions without fail which was sometimes more of a challenge for me 😅😅

3 Rounds:
20m Bear Crawl
10 Tea Cups/side
6 Pulsing Reverse Snow Angles
6 Half Kneeling Landmine Press/Side


A tale for a Wednesday: Wok, Weight & Wedding


Focus on the bigger picture to enable YOU